Sober Living

Surgery may be necessary to remove large nose bumps resulting from severe rosacea. However, these lifestyle changes are ineffective in reducing swelling or the appearance of red bumps on a person’s nose due to rhinophyma. The medical name rhinophyma received… Continue Reading…

Sober Living

These brain adaptations often lead to the person becoming less and less able to derive pleasure from other things they once enjoyed, like food, sex, or social activities. Depending on the type of substance use disorder, the first stage of… Continue Reading…

Sober Living

I will no longer Sober living house allow you to rob me of who I truly am or create unnecessary chaos in my life. I know I’m better off not associating with you whatsoever going forward and I’m thankful I… Continue Reading…

Sober Living

Content What to know about narcissism and alcoholism Where to Find a Support System What is a Narcissistic Alcoholic? Alcohol & Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Is There a Connection? Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism and Alcohol Outcomes narcissistic personality disorder and alcoholism… Continue Reading…

Sober Living

Contents Timeline: What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol? Short bursts of exercise may offer big health benefits Learn How to Say ‘No’ Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help group for people recovering from alcoholism. AA offers a sober peer group… Continue Reading…

Sober Living

The cumulative effects of all these new experiences and choices add up. Sobriety is going to show what real relationships can look like. If you feel numb, like you’re in a fog, or have nothing going on – this is… Continue Reading…

Sober Living

Content Relapse prevention for addictive behaviors The Abstinence Violation Effect (AVE) Overview of the RP Model Pithers’ Relapse Prevention Model: a Response to Gail Ryan Relapse and Lapse Get great free recovery-related content like newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, videos and… Continue Reading…