Sober Living

Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD, Drug Abuse & Alcoholism

narcissistic personality disorder and alcoholism in an alcoholic’s life may notice their loved one’s behavior has changed. People in a narcissist’s life may feel the person’s core behavior is the same, no matter what. The narcissist-like behavior of some alcoholics may only be a result of their addiction—it may not be how they really are when sober.

Similarly, alcoholics avoid reflecting on their insecurities and lack of self-esteem by drinking. They avoid their inner feelings and thoughts by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

What to know about narcissism and alcoholism

Crowne D, Marlowe D. A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.


Both conditions may influence the other, and some symptoms or behaviors of each condition can overlap. “Narcissistic personality disorder.” StatPearls, May 18, 2021. Narcissism may lead to alcoholism in some patients due to their grandiose view of themselves and denial of a negative outcome occurring.

Where to Find a Support System

Both types of pathological narcissism are also linked to alcoholism. In a study of college students, it was found that grandiose narcissism appears to be a positive indicator of alcohol misuse. In grandiose narcissists, alcohol use enhances their grandiosity. Grandiose alcoholic narcissists will deny that they have a drinking problem. They insist that their drinking is normal and may even be proud of it, especially if it makes them seem special.

How do you tell the difference between a narcissist and an alcoholic?

Narcissists are defined by entitlement. Lacking empathy and feeling superior, they give themselves full permission to do whatever the want despite the rules or costs to others. Alcoholics sacred entitlement is drinking. They may lose everything and everyone in their lives before they will give up alcohol.

If you are comfortable in being more direct, you can confront the unhealthy treatment by saying, “I’m going to excuse myself. We can discuss this when you are ready to speak constructively”. A Healthy Journal was born out of passion, the passion for food, but mainly for a healthy life.

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